Sunday, May 20, 2012

Let's try this again.

Hello there. It has been a terribly long time since I have sat down to write something that isn't in one of my little notebooks in my purse, of which I now have three in various sizes. It's beginning to look like not writing is part of a very ugly place of just existing and just existing is not a particularly fun way to be so I shall start anew and make an attempt to live in a more lively fashion.

But do not expect me to write Mondays, at least not until the summer, because Mondays after work I spend an hour trying not to cry because my dog won't listen to me at obedience classes.

And Tuesdays are for Kickboxing (because I go, like, once every three months!).

You see how easy this is to neglect and I'm sitting in front of the computer typing. It is so easy to procrastinate that I must stop.

Also I should probably work a bit harder to get my own computer.