Wednesday, October 12, 2011

It's 1:30 on a Wednesday, Do you know where your children are?

I do!

Ok, so this is an easy game because I don't have any offspring. But at 1:30pm on a Wednesday I should be working or something, but I'm not. I'm sitting around letting my mind wander, and it hurts a little bit, drinking coffee wondering what to do next.

I could put the wash into the dryer, but that would mean getting up and then in an hour or so I'd have to get up and fold it. All of this seems like too much effort right now. I mean when I got out of the shower I didn't really even get dressed. I'm wearing clothes, a lot of clothes, but I look like a homeless person. My mom told my sister I was practicing for pregnancy (third you should have a baby in two days). My plaid, flannel dress is so super shapeless that she might be right.

Oh, goodness yes, the washing machine is still going so I don't have to get up just yet!

But while I'm wasting my day being pathetic and trying to make my room smell like a human room people are out there living life and facing the world. I would be too, but it's raining and I'm broke and didn't have to work today. The rain and the broke sort of suck, and while I don't want to work being at work wouldn't be so bad.

Heck, I'm on facebook looking at pages of people who've passed away wondering why people still comment on their walls. Maybe facebook is the new religion? I dare say many people would go for that before they went for Jesus, who interestingly enough my wireless network has been named after.

Like how this didn't go anywhere?

Me too.

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