Saturday, November 12, 2011

Fall has Fallen

I used to love fall, absolutely loved it. Now it has me worried. Fall brings the close of one year and is the dank reminder that I hate my job, I hate the negativity that envelopes me when talking about it or thinking about or spending much time at it. But I also hate days off, because they're filled with job applications and the urge to sleep and watch television, and worst of all, the urge to buy things that I need.

So today its fall, nearly noon at that and the leaves are down and the sun has been up for a lot longer than I've been awake and I'm thinking about buying a computer. That's right I'm thinking of buying something I can't afford but would be super handy to have. This "need" comes from the computer I was using dying again. All riddled with viral infections, I'm somehow to blame and yet with the computer down for the count I don't have access to many many things, like the more respectable writing samples I have for applying to jobs. But I can't afford to purchase a computer, I need new axles.

I'm also considering school, the Peace Corps, becoming a nun and moving for the sake of a change. I want to get out of here. Hopefully the holidays cheer me a little.

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