Thursday, October 14, 2010

A Bit of Rude Goes a Long Way.

In recent times I have been working an interim job. I know ten months is a long interim, but I must stay positive or I will go against my mother's expressed command to "not take it out on my hair." This job means dealing with a lot of people and I've become that person who smiles when being talked to like I'm not worth the spit I get for doing everything I can to make the customer's day pleasant. While discussing this issue with a fellow interimer (not a word, but you get the idea) she mentioned she was so put out by how downright mean people can be. And they are.

Ok, don't gasp, you know that when you shop or go out for dinner any little thing that goes wrong gets blamed on the sales associate or the waiter. You, my friend, are an asshole.

Assholes of the world take it as a lesson: my favorite coping mechanism is rudeness.

Its a taste of your own medicine and it works! Oh, how it works! You treat me poorly and I help you to the best of my abilities because it is my job. I will not smile, I will not be chipper, I will not offer an opinion as to whether or not the outfit suits you and I will not help you complete a look that will get you the job, win you the promotion or get the guy. I will tell you that the shirt is, indeed, not on sale and no, we don't have it another size. Then I walk away. You're even more pissed now. But I still win- How about I save you 30% (ha ha its not) by opening a credit card and ruining your already ruined credit?

Ok, so I'm not really as excited about this as I should be. I've had a good evening. Thank you and good night.

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