Friday, October 29, 2010

Communication: I Think I Minored in That

If you haven't noticed folks of my generation don't communicate well, at all. My friends and I talk, mostly in person, after countless texts and an ugly amount of back and forth, some confusion and cursing. We make a rare phone call to each other, usually at inappropriate hours of the day for not particularly good reasons.

Today I found out that even our backwards texting ways, our middle school speaking through other friends and the occasional email/wall post isn't enough. One of my friends failed to communicate something super important to any of his non-school friends. Those friends, including me, consider themselves too important to miss this type of thing. Not that our knowledge would make a difference in the events but because it was important to our friend.

Fuck, I received a message the other day from a friend complaining that his messages to another friend had gone unacknowledged, I had the same problem with that friend, for nearly a week. The unresponsive friend had a good reason, but we bitched and bitched and bitched at the dead silence we received in response to our hilarity.

Sorry for the assholery. Next time slap out a mass text or a two word email. We'll understand.

My uncommunicative friends and I, we do communicate with each other when need be.

Everyone has a friend they call when they're in a new relationship.
Everyone has a friend they call when they've had a rough week and need a drink.
Everyone has a friend they call when they're stranded after their car breaks down.
Everyone has a friend they call when they're using heroin, again.

And those calls always are answered.

As are the "Happy New Year," "Why the fuck didn't you give me a shout out on the radio?" "I'm so wasted" calls.

Oh and by the way, if you're using heroin ever seek help.

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