Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Mommy Look! I Knew Just What to Do to Make Ciccibello Better!

I'm watching cartoons right now. To be fair I'm not watching them, Aiden, my three-year-old nephew, is watching them. I'm being dumbfounded by the quality of the products being advertised.

Did you know that next month on Cartoon Network a new movie entitled Firebreather premieres? I know it doesn't sound terribly outlandish but, goodness me, the premise is just plain weird. Now before I tell you the idea behind the movie I want you to know that I consider myself open-minded, accepting, cultured and not a bit racist. Now that I have laid down my disclaimer I am prepared to offend. The Cartoon Network's new movie is about a misfit kid who has an "overprotective mother" and a "60000 pound dragon" for a father. I'm not sure this is kosher. Species mixing is just wrong. Wrong!
That is all on that.

The other commercial I saw that had me worried was for this Cicciabello doll (don't google it, I tried, I'm frightened at what I saw). The doll has different bottles, one of milk, one of juice and one of medicine. In the commercial the doll had red cheeks and after the girl takes her temperature she discusses which bottle she will use to make the doll better. Don't fret, shes a smart kid, she drugged the doll and saved the world.  Now I know it is insensitive of me to discourage species mixing but do we really want kids dispensing drugs.
When I was a kid we had Scruff McGruff taking care of kids and drugs, now they want the kids doing drugs, I'm so confused!!!!

As a closing note, I've stopped watching the TV and am now watching Aiden talk to himself in a full length mirror. There was dancing. It was Hilarius.

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