Friday, May 20, 2011

As the World Ends

So yesterday I find out that Judgement Day is tomorrow, leaving me only today to prepare. I'm a bit freaked out seeing as if I had known sooner things could be a little different.

I don't know, my uber pious life doesn't seem to be what the thumpers have in mind for Heaven, so this Hell thing, I should have made the most of it. But how do you do that when you only have one day to plan?

I guess I could call out sick and stay wasted for the next 24 hours but in the off chance Ann Taylor is going down with me I'm not entirely sure I should burn that bridge. Plus I can only do that kind of drunk so often and Wednesday took care of the quota for this week.

Tonight I'll clean my house and watch a movie instead of whoring it up and stealing thing just in case those sandwich-boarded Christians did their math wrong. But I'll have to make tomorrow a little interesting. Maybe I'll advertise an end of the world sale to make my job both amusing and chaotic, but then again the crazies might take it seriously.

You think Ann Taylor would mind if I wear my tin foil hat for the potential alien invasion that comes with a modern day Apocalypse? Oh goodness, a thought just occurred to me, what if only the Branch Davidians ascend? Though weirder things have happened,

Why God?! I needed time to plan for this.

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