Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Bossy: The New Standard in Work Ethics

I am bossy.

Or so I've been told. I tend to believe that I am direct. Honest and very direct.

Both of my jobs are female dominated and that leads to many a gossip. The problems is that it all, and I mean all,  gets back to the subject. So yeah, I tell people that the manager calls me wasted. She needs to know she's a lush. So I keep hearing that I'm bossy, which is better than bitter and hateful (which they used to call me) but I've trained a lot of the girls I work with at the one job so bossy means they're not good listeners (winky face).

The other day one of those girls I trained told me that I'm the only person she likes directing her when she gets flustered. Apparently my directness is better than being pestered with questions about how she's feeling when her register crashes in the middle of a huge transaction. She's feeling angry. She needs the registers fixed.

So I'm bossy. I get things done and I come across as a bit hostile some days but I also get plenty of compliments, from customers. So do I nice up or continue to boss my equals around?

I can't wait until the day they make bossy me the boss.

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