Saturday, February 26, 2011

Coffee is a Satisfied Person's Chocolate

I eat chocolate. Expensive, foreign, dark, extra-dark chocolate. And I do this nearly every day. Otherwise my diet is one of super-foods and grilled cheese. I'm saying that I am more or less a healthy eater and limit my junk food most days of the week. But this chocolate thing is a thing I cannot kick. So I have a theory.

I need a boyfriend. Its a chemical thing, chocolate and exercise aren't cutting it these days. The reality is that the more chocolate I consume and the more exercise I get the more I need. It's an ugly cycle for my wallet and for my schedule. I'm working sevenish days a week again and that cuts into treadmill time.

I've tried switching vices. Coffee is the closest I can get to a replacement but with my heart and all I shouldn't really be having any caffeine so I cut back and poof I'm on chocolate again. I try just a little but either my brain or my will power always fails. I was considering going to the gym before work but lately I've been going to bed at 8:30 or 9:00 so that getting up at 5:30 won't be a drag and I'm barely making it though the day. I could beg for full-time hours at my more agreeable job (I want them and I don't you know) so that I could create a normal routine.

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