Thursday, December 16, 2010

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow

I keep hearing rumors that the snow is piling up everywhere but other than the TV (and we all know everything we see on TV is fake) I hadn't seen any hard evidence... until this morning. It's snowing here finally! But don't get too excited it'll send soon enough and the grass isn't even covered yet. The roads are an extreme hazard despite the lack of depth.

Here in VA we like to freak at the first flake but the reality is the roads are mostly untreated, so frozen, and will remain uncleared for a while. I will have to call work tomorrow to inform them that I'm running late because after I drive eight miles out of ruralaliy (not a real word) the first town I hit is going to be snow covered with not-particularly-smart people driving their fancy sports cars (all of which a lining the edge of the roads that have already been cleared, its hard to drive up hill you know) like the road is dry. I'll get stuck in accident traffic and become a bit frustrated with my fellow man. Also it will be busy as all get out with people who couldn't drive to work because of the torturous conditions but can make it to the outlet mall.

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