Monday, December 6, 2010

To Do

As my crazies fade a bit I'm faced with a need for a plan of action. This task is enough to throw me back into the throes of depression but fear not good friends I shall persevere, and probably take out my frustrations in small acts of road rage.

My brother called me today, asking me about where to put your cover letter when sending a resume via email. I giggled a little (it's all I could muster, my innards hurt from vomiting for 24 of the last 38 hours), he was asking my advice on something that I can't get anywhere on myself. I'm super happy to help but my God ask the right person! I'm trying not to weep over my most recent rejection letter but you know how it goes.

Anyhow, I need to get my ass in gear. I'm going to read some good books.

1. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
2. The Descrete Pleasures of Rejection
3. The Poisonwood Bible
4. Lolita
5. A Time To Kill

1. Jane Eyre
2. Catcher in the Rye
3. Catch 22
4. Slaughterhouse-Five
5. Brideshead Revisited

I'm going to apply to a few schools, vomit over application fees but apply none the less.

I'm going to start buying things that I need, a computer, going out clothes, navy shoes, underthings.

I'm going to get my bangs trimmed and whiten the teeth.

I'm going to make new friends. I'm serious, new friends, where I'll find them I do not know.

I'm going to do things. See things.

I'm going to live.

I've spent this whole year wasting time and now that I've had a complete and disguesting breakdown it's time to change everything.

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