Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Settling Up (?)

Today, I worked really hard to find a job that isn't the job I'm working right now. I need more hours and I need a higher wage, my college degree (that's right gay manager Jason, I have a degree) demands it.

The whole idea of taking a job that isn't in the field that I want makes me sick to my stomach, not as sick as making $8.10 an hour with an acting store manager who does everything but manage makes me but still. I'm forced in some way to continue to settle for less than what I want, no, I take that back, I'm settling for less than I deserve.

Wait, where is cheeky Megan? Who is this righteous bitch who has replaced her? (I don't know, we'll blame the crazies.)

I think that even with my uneven bangs and my current inability to dress myself appropriately for my current job (lack o' funds you see) I worked hard to get to where I got this time last year. But all I've done is back peddle.  I beg people to open credit cards, people who claim to make $200K a year and can only manage a $750 credit limit because they have a barely passable credit score. I'm ruining my own future, how is the economy going to recover if I don't stop doing my job?

So we'll see where I settle. Maybe it'll hold the bad off long enough or maybe (and this is my hope) it'll be just enough to get me into the classes I need, (fingers crossed) I'll come out in a year with software knowledge and a publishing certificate.

Here's to Hoping!

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