Friday, January 14, 2011


I'm sitting at home with cider watching The Social Network.

In my one down, how come alone is an effective way to to catch a buzz?, state I'm looking at the tube wondering why I didn't stay in college and study computer programming. I know, I know it doesn't matter I would have never created anything as earth shattering as, the all consuming, all knowing, face planting social website. But I make very little and Mark Zuckerberg makes tons so you could see my the justification for my head shaking.

But the reality is, I'm not into screens full of code, hell, the book I'm currently reading is about verbal snaffoos. I'm enamoured with the way the author writes, after being told that those convoluted sentences that I so love are too complicated for readers (and I'm sure that this is true in a sense, too many long sentences often become too confusing) I am reading a book by a man who writes in these lovely sentences. I'd marry him for those sentences alone (don't fret, the man is married and not anywhere near here).

Authors be warned I get this feeling a lot. I love people who use words but I don't think marrying one would be a good idea, kind of a Joe Orton/Kenneth Halliwell type thing, and yes, that was sick but I've always feared that kind of crazed-ness lived within me. And I saw Prick Up Your Ears. I still fear the crazed eyes and hacking someone to death with a hammer.

I won't. Because I am self aware.

Oh, self awareness tells me I'm rambling.

Good night and happy Friday.

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