Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Chin is Honor; A Chin is Trust

I'm prejudice. I'm judgemental. I'm not a horrid person. I'm honest to the point of brutality sometimes and that my friends is only a fault when it comes to being prejudice and judgemental.

I don't trust people without chins.

I feel like they are they lying type. They are sneaky conniving. I know, intellectually, that chins do not count as a moral indicator but I'm not willing to go back on the idea that a person with a chin not only has a stronger face but a stronger character.

You're immediately thinking of Jay Leno, I'm underwhelmed by his chin though, its large but he is one of those exceptions to my rule, his chin might not be his character, I actually think, not knowing the man personally of course, that he is a chinless person masquerading as a chinned person.  Maybe I should exclude celebraties all together from this rule. They're all shadey in some way or another plus who knows whose had their chin redone and who hasn't?

Poor Dr. Seuss created an entire race of people to distrust based on their chin status. Have you ever really looked at the Whos? I mean seriously no wonder the Grinch stole Christmas! I know they seem repentant at the end of the story but really aren't they just smarter than your average bear? If they really remembered not to care for the material things then, well, when the Grinch, deceived as he was, returned the Christmas he had stolen the Whos would have rejected materialism and worked harder for the spirit of it all.

When I was in middle school there was a substitute teacher who lacked a chin, she seemed nice but I didn't trust her for a second. She was the type that would let the class do as they pleased and then ratted them out to the teacher in a scathing note at the end of the day, her chin, I'm sorry to say, only shrank away farther to the point of being swallowed by her neck by the time I finished high school. She was a thin woman which made her disappearing chin an ever more curious wonder.

I don't ever recall villains being chinless in stories of my childhood that would create this prejudice. It actually seems to be the other way around, the chinny ones in movies were the ones to watch out for. But maybe I'm wrong or maybe there is a real life villain that I cannot recall.

Dear friends I hope this does not change your opinion of me. I know it's tough to swallow. I am judging you by your chin, so save face and fix it your honor and integrity lie in your chin's hands.

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