Monday, November 8, 2010

"I'm Not a Baby, I'm a Man!"

I hate when people call each other "baby." There are so many other, more creative and more personal terms of endearment that sound so much more intelligent. Grow-ups have had plenty of time to expand their vocabulary enough to only use the horrid word "baby" when talking about a persons newish offspring or my sister's evil feline. Calling an adult "baby" especially if it is said with a "baby voice" is as bad as eating baby food when you have the physical capability to chew solid food (yes, that is a specific reference to someone I went to school with, I hope you find it as strange as I do). Hell babies don't even like being called "baby." My now three year old nephew used to walk around saying "I'm not a baby, I'm a man," which was freakin' hilarious but also a valid point. He's a walking, talking, clever human, not a goo-goo ga-ga baby (unfortunately, he has move on to being called a boy, which is probably more age appropriate but much less funny).

Don't call me "man" either, or dude, which I am guilty of using, because I am a "lady." I don't really mind being called "woman" but I can see how that can get offensive really quickly, depending on who and how it is said, so watch yourself.

This may or may not be a specific dig at Justin Bieber. Though it is possible that he is of the age group where baby is still appropriate (that is an attempt at an unfunny joke, so laugh for my sake.)

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