Saturday, November 20, 2010

Wave, How Do You?

I've been observing how people wave recently. I have ample opportunity seeing as I live in a fairly rural setting where it is still the expectation that you wave as you pass someone* and regularly walk/run on the roads.

When you are driving by a pedestrian on a dirt road your priorities shift the first being that you figure out who the pedestrian is for gossip purposes, second is that you drop your speed so he or she thinks you are looking out for his or her safety, third wave appropriately but not too enthusiastically and fourth is most obviously do your best to not hit the pedestrian or move your car from its original path.

The wave of a driver passing is fairly standard, the right hand has extended fingers without lifting from the steering wheel. If you know the person you get a bit of bending movement from the lifted four fingers.

The other day my interest was peaked by a wave that seemed inappropriate for the aforementioned situation. It was the wave that starts with a falling pinky followed by each consecutive finger falling. I've always, maybe wrongly, thought that particular wave was flirtatious.  It came from a strange middle-aged woman which again makes me wonder why the hell women like me so much (I need to stop wearing my rugby sweatshirt when I run.)

I wave strangely, I keep my hand flat by my fingers spread and pivot it at the wrist. I didn't think about this until a while back I was at a stoplight behind an old friend, he waved and I waved and we waved the same way. It looked funny but worked.

When we teach babies to wave its the open and closed fist wave but if you see an adult do that and they're not waving at a child under the age of two they need help. Not a good look.

I know I've missed a few waves, I mean there are tons of them.

*Please note: not everyone observes the custom and it is often hindered by retards texting while driving on roads nearly wide enough for one car when there hasn't been rain.

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